India become Independent on 15 Aug 1947.But The commencement of constitution happened on 26th Jan 1950 which is celebrated as Republic day by Indians.26th Jan was choosen as republic day as on 26th Jan 1930 India had taken a resolve for Purna Swaraj(Complete Independence) from the British rule. Like every religion has its holy book, constitution is the holy book of India and Indians.As a part of my data science project I tried to analyse the preamble of Indian constitution.Attached word cloud is representation of important words that are part of the preamble of the constitution.
The constitution of India states that India is a SOVERIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC.The words SOCIALIST and SECULAR were added later in the year 1976 as part of 42nd amendment of the constitution.These five words represent the nature of Indian State.JUSTICE EQUALITY LIBERTY and FRATERNITY is the objectives of Indian State.I will explain in brief about the nature and objective of Indian State.
Nature of Indian State
1.Sovereign:It means that India is an independent country and no other external power or country can dictate terms with India.People of India hold the supreme power to elect it's government.The government in turn is empowered to make laws by which the country is governed.The territorial integrity of the country is governed by this clause.
2.Socialist: Primary nature of the country is social with mix economy,where wealth can be created by govt. and private means.But it is the responsibility of the govt. that wealth generated in the country has the be equally distributed among the people of the country.Social justice is given primary importance in constitution of India.
3.Secular:Every Indian citizen has the right to practice any religion of his or her choice.The state doesnt have a religion and should treat people of all religions as equal.
4.Democratic:The people of India have the right to elect the legislators for a fixed period of time.The govt. of the day is the will of the people of India.Every Indian has the right to vote after he or she has crossed age of 18.
5.Rebublic:India rejects monarchy and heredity as criteria to hold position of power.The President is head of the country and is elected for a fixed term of 5 years by electoral college.
Objective of Indian State
1.Justice:Social,Economic and Political
2.Equality:of status and opportunity
3.Liberty:of thought,expression, belief and worship
4.Fraternity: Brotherhood ,diginity of individual and unity and integrity of the nation .
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