Saturday 27 July 2019

Eyes don't lie

Some years ago I attended a corporate training. To make the mood light the trainer told us that she would be starting the training with a game. We were twenty people and everyone was asked to tell three thing about themselves. Condition was two things which they told about themselves should be true and one must be false. It was the task of others to find out which was the false statement uttered by a person.Out of twenty instances I was able to identify lie on more than fifteen occasions. The trainer was amazed as to how I managed to identify lie correctly. She asked me the reason and my answer was the eyes don't lie. When people where telling three things about themselves I was not listening to what they were saying but I was always observing their eyes. When one tells a lie the eyes clearly gives away that it was a lie. Eye is the only part of the brain visible from outside the body and they don't lie.

As humans we instinctively have this capability to judge people. Research shows we judge people based on two thing. One their intelligence and two how trust worthy a person is. We value trustworthiness more than intelligence.An intelligent person who is not trustworthy is a very dangerous.Trustworthiness is very important from point of view of our survival. I wrote this blog because while I am travelling in train I observed two people greeting each other. One had a genuine smile and other had a fake smile.

Once a old man sitting next to a road asked for a lift from a horse cart which was passing by. The charioteer offered lift to the old man. On the way the the charioteer asked the old man,"I know before me six chariots have passed from here. Why did you not ask for a lift from the six other people who came before me?. To this the old man replied I looked in the eyes of all the six people who came before you. But it was only in your eyes I saw that you would help me. So don't be surprised or annoyed if people approach you for help.They are approaching you because they have already seen it in your eyes,you are trustworthy and helpful.

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